Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My last tuesday at fox

Pretty normal day. I'm trying to remember all the things i wanted to get done this week before school was offically out. I feel like there are a million little tasks to keep me busy, but i'll probably end up forgetting to do half of them. We ended our Sex BS ( sex bible study ;) ) tonight with a fun potluck. I can't believe we started it at the beginning of the year. It went by so fast. What a journey of 7 months. Honestly everyone should do it.

I'm still replaying the phone conversation with my now "boss" at Nike, trying to convince myself the phone conversation was not a dream and I am working at Nike. Its weird that this is all happening to me. I'm trying to plan so after i quit my current job but before i start at Nike my sis and i can road trip somewhere fun. I don't know if it will happen, but it would be really cool.

Well i don't have much else to do. So if todays over then there are only 4 days left. I better make a to-do list.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Guess what?

Already a GREAT day = a marionberry scone and carmel latte at coffee cottage, walk with Beth K and a job at Nike! Can it get any better?

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Its totally hitting me. Its crunch time in a good way and i'm blessed that i don't have to really worry about much besides graduation and vacation. Not classes, finals, or moving out. Kudos to y'all who are doing it all. The beach was beautiful and fun tonight. This is my last week at Fox, whoa! Lots to do tomorrow, Nike might call and only 6 days left.

Friday, April 21, 2006

7 days!

I got my cap and gown today!! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited i just can't tell you. And now the countdown begins. Are you ready?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

god heard me!!!!!!!!

I'm so totally excited right now. God is awesome, I love Jesus!!! Ok so last night coming home from church I started talking about this whole Nike thing with God. I still hadn't heard back and it has been almost a week since they told me I would know, so I figured i didn't get the job. Despite that I told God that I just wanted to know either way. If I didn't get it, I wanted them to miraculously decide to call me and tell me instead of just leaving me hanging and if for some reason they hadn't hired someone yet I wanted to know that too. I asked Him to close this door for sure or show me it was still open. I didn't want to be stuck not knowing either way.


This evening I got a message from them saying that the interview process had been delayed and that they still had one more interview, but they would decide on Monday. She wanted to know if i was still interested in the job and told me that she enjoyed meeting with me a couple weeks ago. There is still hope! God hasn't closed that door. I'm excited about it again cuz its still possible. So reassuring to know its in God's hands and not mine. I can't take the credit for this one. All for his glory...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Ways to contact B.F. #50

Calling one of the 3 phones in W. house. Dang, who actually uses that phone to talk on? When i find you i'm going to hug you.

I had to

I had to buy the Yellowcard cd because it was the number 1 cd i heard all week when I was in MS and now it takes me to my happy place. Music is cool like that. Memories. Well whats new friends? Easter weekend was fun. I worked, dyed Easter eggs and had an awesome dinner with the 'rents Sun. evening. Graduation is so close. If i was normal then this would be the last week of classes. I do have a presentation on Thurs which is like my last "assignment" i guess that gives me something to look forward to being done with. I feel like it is anti-climatic, but I might cry when I walk across the stage and see my grandma. I'm the first of her grandkids to graduate from college (but the second youngest in front of my sis) and she has been asking me about it for the last four years every time i see her. If she is crying I for sure will be. I get teary eyed thinking about it, yikes ;). I found an old journal that I started when i was at Linfield, but knew i was coming to Fox. It basically was that spring, summer and 4 years ago when i started Fox, its crazy. I had no idea, what at journey. Well soon I shall be rendevousing (is that a word?) with bitty cent, if i can ever get a hold of her. Where are you?

Ways to contact B.F. #36 blog about her

Thursday, April 13, 2006

its the weekend, but not

So its so strange cuz its my weekend, but nobody elses. And even though tomorrow would be optimal hang out time everyone is leaving for the actual Easter weekend cuz its also a 3 day weekend. Ok, that might have been confusing. I'm trying to be productive, but i'm just so unmotivated. Plenty of things i should do nothing i really want to do.

ps MS spring serve pics are on facebook, just a few

Monday, April 10, 2006

the one

well just the one about spring break. Once we landed in MS we had to drive about 3 hours to Pass Christain and we arrived pretty late in the dark and yet you could see there wasn't much there. We attempted to find where we would be staying, but with no luck we pulled into a church parking lot and slept in the car. Seriously my whole serve trip in 3 vans with our stuff for the night. sweet! welcome to MS. Most of us were so tired from not sleeping the night before cuz we were up at 3am Portland time, but yet i still couldn't sleep much cuz the sleep i had gotten was sitting up; from the plane to the car. But we survived, slept a few hours til daylight and then found breakfast. Meals for the week were in this big tent called God's Katrina Kitchen. Cuz it was spring break they fed mostly all volunteers, but this tent has been providing free meals bascially to whoever needs it. Its pretty cool. Our sleeping arrangements ended up being slightly better than the vans for the rest of the week. We slept in the abandoned cleaned out Pass christian library. There was just one big room with mattresses (PTL) on the floor. This was the main headquarters for Campus Crusade.
Every morning the group leaders would get work requests that had been filled out by the community and our team would go do whatever they needed. Our team was split up most of the time doing different projects. We did some yard clean-up, gutted a house ( basically just involved a sledge hammer and crowbar) and put on a new roof for a family. The roof project was our biggest project. A car full of girls showed up at this guys house, knocked on his door with hammers and a pitchfork in hand and tell him we are here to give him a new roof. I can't imagine what he was thinking at the time because i think it was obvious we had no idea what to do. But heck we climbed up on the roof and started ripping of shingles. That is what we are supposed to do right? Well our team completed it from start to finish with the help of a campus crusader that acutally knew how to put on a new roof. It took us 3 days and it was great to bless this older couple George and Margaret, well not that old. The entire inside of their house was destroyed, they were starting to rebuild from the wood framework and George was the one doing it, so being able to give them a new roof for free was a big deal. About 10 people from our team did the roof while the other five took the 3 days to gut a house that had not been touched since Katrina, 7 months ago. All i have to say is, a really really really stinky fridge, everything was garbage from all the stuff to all the walls and the lady wasn't coming back. The house wasn't bulldozed because it was being donated to the historical society. Kudos to my fellow team members because they cleaned out that house.
Being there was strange cuz the city was destoryed and there was not 1 normal looking building in the entire city. The only things that showed life were all the fema trailers. We drove threw the worst hit parts of the city right on the peninsula and all that was left of those homes were the concrete stilts they were on. Some sites only had staircases that were left. No damaged house, no evidence of a house just a dozen stilts where the house used to be. crazy. i have pics but i definetly left my camera in MS in the rental van. hopefully its in the mail. it will take decades to rebuild the city and thats if progress isn't slowed by other hurricanes this summer. one of the locals was saying he has lived through 18 hurricane warnings. Sometimes you stay, sometimes you go, nobody was expecting the magnitude of katrina. One of the houses we gutted flooded to the cieling of the 2nd story and it wasn't even on the waterfront. A 30ft wave surge pushed through the city by 180 mph winds, can't really imagine the size of this storm. All you could see was that nothing was left.
Some of our team, including me didn't want to leave cuz the people their need so much help. You could just pick one family and there would be enough to do for years. Now imagine thousands of families. It was hard to come back and jump right back into school. Thats pretty much all that i can tell you. I mean there are tons of tidbits here and there but thats the big stuff. I know what i did and experienced but i don't know what it all means yet. I'm glad i went. Met some cool people on my team and came away with some new friends.
I'm not going to blog about it cuz this is already tooooooo long, but if you want to know about a highlight of the trip for me not included on this blog, ask me about the Waffle House, brittney or the 7 travelers. Same story, different reminders. :)

Monday, April 03, 2006

wait for it

I have been feeling the pressure to write about my spring break in MS doing hurricane relief, but i'm just not there yet. I haven't processed everything that happened and what it was like being there. It was intense and the city was destroyed. I know God is teaching me a lot and I will have more to say later, but i wanted you to know it was good and i'm home safely. There is so much I could talk about and as I figure out what it all means to me and to the Lord I'll let you know. For now life as started up full steam ahead with my senior thesis due this week, graduation stuff and the last school "to-do list" i will have to write for awhile. whoa here comes life...