Friday, February 24, 2006

Just kidding!

Well apparently I was joking when I thought I was leaving this morning at 5am. However, I didn't realized the joke until I had already been dropped off at the airport and called my pastors looking for my group. It was then that I thought since nobody from my group was there I better check my itinerary again and WALA, departure date reads, "Sunday Feb. 26." There were really no words for that moment of revelation. Some profane words were going through my mind, but they were quickly in and out as I called Kristin to inform her she needed to turn around. So i went outside to wait for her to come back as I sat on the frozen metal bench cherishing this "snowglobe" moment.

How did this happen you ask? I have no clue. I wish I could blame it on the lack of sleep this past week, being sick, or on the naroctic in the cough syrup I took last night, but even though I'm tired, sick and out of it I thought I was leaving on the 24th for about a month now. Which is so strange because I checked my work schedule and I had requested the 26th- march 4 off for this trip. On my planner I starred both the 26th and the 4th, you would think I would pay attention and the intinerary i printed off with my flight info definately says Feb 26th. Despite ALL that, I still was convinced I was leaving this morning so I didn't go my prayer meeting last night, I cancelled a meeting I was supposed to have today, I told my professor I wouldn't be in class this morning, I packed last night and got all ready to leave, I left for the airport at 4:15am with two incredible friends, got dropped off and only THEN realized I was wrong. Unbelievable!

oh yeah and just to throw in another twist after I realized I wasn't leaving today, it occurred to me that i probably have to work tomorrw. And guess what? I do. Are you serious? How in the world did I think I was leaving this morning? Its kinda funny now, will be way more funny later and maybe a good sermon illustration one day.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

You're funny.

I miss you!