ok, ok, WE are doing it. all the people that have loved me through the tears and failures of the hardest year of my life, are making it possible for me to enjoy some of the BEST moments of my life, when i meet my bio family in korea. i'm leaving dec 28th!! aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. aaaaaahhhhhhhh!! sorry, been kinda holding it in. :) crazy, crazy, crazy, year that is going to end in korea with my bio family. who would've believed it, not me.
its about all the people who believed in me, when i didn't. this year has been heartache for so many people. i have required tons of patience, butt-kickings, ultimatums, and tough love. I have found more grace, mercy, and love than i could ever imagine. The Lord and His people, my friends and family have made all the difference in the world. After everything, its still hard for me to believe i get to do this. ahem, that we get to do this.
Only the Lord Jesus, can make a way when there is no way. Only he can cover heaviness with garments of praise. Only he can create a new song. Only he can handle the mess I made and only he can make it new. the feeling of joy has been astray for a long time. you know, the kind of joy that makes you giggle, smile for no reason, talk really fast and high pitched, even jump a little in the air, yeah that, that is a gift from God. yes Lord, i'll receive it. i mean, we will receive it.
Our lives are meant to be shared. Our tragedies create empathy for others. Our victories give others hope.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
widows and orphans
before i saw your eyes
i answered
before you even asked
i decided
in my heart not to give
you a chance
listening ear
or helping hand
no love to share
time to offer
comfort to sacrifice
i pray
i didn't
look like the one
i follow
i cursed you with the tongue
i reserve for blessing
you found the pharisee
in me, the logging truck
in my eye
forgive me sister,
my heart grieves for the
lost chance
with deep shame, i beg for mercy
that you and your daughter
were entertained by angels
God deal with me
keep my mouth from speaking
before my heart decides
by your grace to always
to who you value
i answered
before you even asked
i decided
in my heart not to give
you a chance
listening ear
or helping hand
no love to share
time to offer
comfort to sacrifice
i pray
i didn't
look like the one
i follow
i cursed you with the tongue
i reserve for blessing
you found the pharisee
in me, the logging truck
in my eye
forgive me sister,
my heart grieves for the
lost chance
with deep shame, i beg for mercy
that you and your daughter
were entertained by angels
God deal with me
keep my mouth from speaking
before my heart decides
by your grace to always
to who you value
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
family is...
the ones who know exactly what makes you laugh
the ones who know exactly what makes you mad
the ones who have been there through all life stages,
especially the akward middle school yrs and terrible haircuts
the ones who will return your presents with no shame
the ones who you fight with because you love so much
the ones who always repeat your embarassing childhood stories when guests are around
the ones who tell you its ok to dream of being the first woman in the NBA and NFL
the ones who laugh at you even when you are trying to be serious
the ones who make sure you don't go hungry and the oil in your car has been changed
the ones who you want around when you are sick
the ones you miss during the holidays
the ones you go home to
the ones who love you no matter what
the ones you are proud to call family.
the ones who know exactly what makes you mad
the ones who have been there through all life stages,
especially the akward middle school yrs and terrible haircuts
the ones who will return your presents with no shame
the ones who you fight with because you love so much
the ones who always repeat your embarassing childhood stories when guests are around
the ones who tell you its ok to dream of being the first woman in the NBA and NFL
the ones who laugh at you even when you are trying to be serious
the ones who make sure you don't go hungry and the oil in your car has been changed
the ones who you want around when you are sick
the ones you miss during the holidays
the ones you go home to
the ones who love you no matter what
the ones you are proud to call family.
hi family!
today i am celebrating me. well not really, me, but i'm celebrating having a family. today 26 years ago my parents became parents. I arrived fresh off the plane from korea into the loving arms of my mom and dad. being adopted kinda means you have two birthdays. today i will celebrate being a "saathoff". people look at me down here and think my last name should be kim, lee, kwon, anything asian, but its not, saathoff's are from texas. this is a special day for me and my family. so a shout out to my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, my favorite baby sis, my wonderful mom and dad. no nieces or nephews yet, boo, you better get on that. here's to pac 10 football, the portland trailblazers, fishing at buoy 10, egg nog cake, chocolate zucchini bread, "chicken tuna" sandwiches, my mom's amazing hospitality, my dad's generosity, my sister's laugh. cheers to my family who makes me, me.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
deep breath
"In order to be at peace, it is necessary to feel a sense of history - that you are both part of what has come before and part of what is yet to come. Being surrounded, you not alone; and the sense of urgency that pervades the present is put in perspective: Do not frivolously use time that is yours to spend. Cherish it, that each day may bring forth new growth, insight and awareness. Never allow a day to pass that did not add to what was understood before. Let each day be a stone in the path of growth. Do not rest until what been intended has been done. But remember - go as slowly as is necessary in order to sustain a steady pace; do not expand energy in waste. Finally do not allow the illusory urgencies of the immediate to distract you from your vision of the eternal." In Spiritual Crisis: surviving trauma to the soul.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
people in socal
...don't carve pumpkins for halloween. how do i know? well, a friend and I both come from a place where you do carve pumpkins so we thought we would bring some of the halloween cheer down south. what happens to carved pumpkins in southern california, the heat melts them and mushifies them in two days. i already had to put jack the softie in the dumpster.
...go through the dirtiest windstorms. we have windstorms, but not windstorms that turn the horizon and air brown. my roommate and i tried to walk to the store, but we were attacked by the first tree we came to. we turned around with dirt in our eyes, leaves in our hair and headed for the car.
...go through the dirtiest windstorms. we have windstorms, but not windstorms that turn the horizon and air brown. my roommate and i tried to walk to the store, but we were attacked by the first tree we came to. we turned around with dirt in our eyes, leaves in our hair and headed for the car.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
When I couldn’t move
Your prayers
Kept me
In His reach
When I couldn’t speak
Your words
Fell on
His ears
When I couldn’t reach
Your hands
Grabbed onto
To His.
When I couldn’t believe
Your steps
Walked me
Towards Him.
When we couldn’t
Your love
Left me
at His feet
It is your prayers
That lowered me
Before a
God that heals.
Your prayers
Kept me
In His reach
When I couldn’t speak
Your words
Fell on
His ears
When I couldn’t reach
Your hands
Grabbed onto
To His.
When I couldn’t believe
Your steps
Walked me
Towards Him.
When we couldn’t
Your love
Left me
at His feet
It is your prayers
That lowered me
Before a
God that heals.
Friday, September 18, 2009
thought of the day
you can have community, but not use it. and until you use it, it isn't really community. but once you use it, then you have people. and having people is a big deal. everyone shoud have people.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
so fresh and clean, clean
i spent the last few hours deep cleaning my apartment. i get so messy when i live alone. i started in the bathroom and covered the kitchen, living room and bedroom. I reorganized some of my things to make sure the new roomie has plenty of room. She is going to think I'm so anal cuz all my stuff is on one side of the room. I swear its ok if it isn't symmetrical. I got to go to the beach today for work. The weather was perfect; warm but breezy. My face even got a little sunburned. Tomorrow my new roomie comes so i'm excited about that. It will be nice to have some company, but of course its the last week of summer class and i have a paper and final exam due. This class feels like it has drug on all summer so it will be nice to get it done, but i'll probably have to be the bum roommate who is studying. After that though, a friend from home is coming to visit for a few days. I really want to check out this beach spot my coworker told me about. Its a bit elusive to the newcomer, but I hear its worth the adventure.
Have i told you about my neighbors? They are from northeast India and they are the sweetest. They just moved in this summer. It is a couple and their son who is in high school. They remind me of india. They always invite me to stay and eat or have tea. Instead of saying "here" or "there", they say "this side" or "that side". When they mean homey, like comfortable, they say "homely" and if they go out to eat they say they "ate outside." But besides the fun english we are becoming fast friends. They cook for me and make me wonderful tea. I drive them to costco or the store and drop them off for appointments. Like, next week I'm taking their son to the doctors and then to school. how cute. but really these people are amazing. they love jesus. they are invited to speak like everywhere. they have a heart for the church and for the poor and for india. and when they pray, watch out. really, i think they are great. its been a blessing to have them so close since living on my own this last month.
if you pray, could you pray for some good reflection/process time before classes start up again. I feel like God wants to say something, but i'm still in the other room shouting, "coming, coming." i need to make time and be open. this summer has been a ride. i don't know if its a new season, but its a new school year and my last one i think. so if you don't mind joining my prayer through this year...
Lord, you not me.
yours, not mine.
Have i told you about my neighbors? They are from northeast India and they are the sweetest. They just moved in this summer. It is a couple and their son who is in high school. They remind me of india. They always invite me to stay and eat or have tea. Instead of saying "here" or "there", they say "this side" or "that side". When they mean homey, like comfortable, they say "homely" and if they go out to eat they say they "ate outside." But besides the fun english we are becoming fast friends. They cook for me and make me wonderful tea. I drive them to costco or the store and drop them off for appointments. Like, next week I'm taking their son to the doctors and then to school. how cute. but really these people are amazing. they love jesus. they are invited to speak like everywhere. they have a heart for the church and for the poor and for india. and when they pray, watch out. really, i think they are great. its been a blessing to have them so close since living on my own this last month.
if you pray, could you pray for some good reflection/process time before classes start up again. I feel like God wants to say something, but i'm still in the other room shouting, "coming, coming." i need to make time and be open. this summer has been a ride. i don't know if its a new season, but its a new school year and my last one i think. so if you don't mind joining my prayer through this year...
Lord, you not me.
yours, not mine.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
we are better, together
If you ever had to raise money for a missions trip, you are aware of the frustrations and the blessings that come with it. I want my friend to know that she is not alone. For anyone to do missions or ask people to support their work, is an invitation to join what God is doing around the world. God can use your money for his glory.
I know I have amazing and generous friends. I have been supported in so many ways by all of you. So yes, i'm asking if you would possibly help someone who you might not even know, but i'm asking because she is family to me. And she is willing and able to serve the poor in India. And i believe in the work God is doing in her life. pray first. don't give without prayer and don't decide without praying. then, keep praying...
scheduled departure date: September 16th
funds needed: $3000
want to help?
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
i'm not a fool
i'm not a fool.
i've made mistakes.
but I’m not one
been down the dark road
hid there, laid there, died there
the past is my conscience
you shouldn’t, you can’t
there is enough to
prove truth beats fact
to get off the one way track
i’m not a fool
I’ve made mistakes
but I’m not one.
hindsight might be clear
this vision is distorted
we see different
who counts loses
who keeps faith
uses regret as a crystal ball
who trusts who
lacking my own
will your words
stand in, say
i’m not a fool
i’ve made mistakes
but I’m not one.
i've made mistakes.
but I’m not one
been down the dark road
hid there, laid there, died there
the past is my conscience
you shouldn’t, you can’t
there is enough to
prove truth beats fact
to get off the one way track
i’m not a fool
I’ve made mistakes
but I’m not one.
hindsight might be clear
this vision is distorted
we see different
who counts loses
who keeps faith
uses regret as a crystal ball
who trusts who
lacking my own
will your words
stand in, say
i’m not a fool
i’ve made mistakes
but I’m not one.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
toooo hoooooot
105 degress is toooo hot
wildfires are toooo hot.
apt without ac is toooo hot.
tooooo hot to study, so i played wii for 2 1/2 hours.
tooo hot to cook, so i ate sushi with a friend.
toooo hot means dry skin, dry eyes, bloody noses.
i did go bowling today at work. good toooo hot activity.
its toooo hot to sleep in my bedroom.
but not toooo hot for ice cream.
wildfires are toooo hot.
apt without ac is toooo hot.
tooooo hot to study, so i played wii for 2 1/2 hours.
tooo hot to cook, so i ate sushi with a friend.
toooo hot means dry skin, dry eyes, bloody noses.
i did go bowling today at work. good toooo hot activity.
its toooo hot to sleep in my bedroom.
but not toooo hot for ice cream.
Monday, August 24, 2009
the ironic thing is
i posted this picture, but then i started wondering if it was an accurate representation of where I would be "off finding myself." don't get me wrong I will always be a mountain/lake girl, but the place i would actively search and expect to "find myself" would not be at an isolated lake at the end of a mountain hike. I feel like i would have better luck on a street corner or in a slum somewhere around the world. i have been refreshed by nature so many times. the cool fresh air, the sweaty physical challenge, the beautiful scenery, but where was I when i momentarily felt like i "found" a part of me? well, no where close to clean air. it was inside a slum sitting on dirt, sweating my face off, listening intently to another language, playing, watching, hugging, holding the cutest kids ever. i was thinking to myself if i didn't ever leave this exact moment, or if i never experienced anything after this moment, i had found my deepest joy. i had connected with the deepest meaning of life.
there was also this time in kolkata when i just returned from a week in bangalore. we had gotten back the day before and had a day off before our week started up again. i chose to hop on the bus and go visit my dearest friends in the slum. they were so surprised to see me because i visited at a different time than usual, but they were so overjoyed i came to say hello. it was the heat of the day so they insisted that i sat with them outside their home. the small path in front of their home was too dirty for even them to rest on, so they made sure i was comfortable on this large sack of garbage that sat about 3 feet tall. a few minutes into our conversation my friend brought something a little more firm to sit on so we sat together this small piece that kept us just off the ground. it teetered with our weight as we shared the last week's events. suddenly they suggested something cold to drink, so i offered to buy ice cream instead. my friend stood up to go buy the ice cream but as she did the weight on our stool became uneven and i tumbled to the ground. this surprised all of us and we all started laughing because i had tipped over so dramatically. they tried to help me back on, but realized that without my friend the weight would not be even. together we decided it would just be better if i stood until my friend returned with the ice cream. when she returned, we passed around the ice cream and sat together back on the stool. now, of course, i'm mischievous so playful revenge was coming. i waited just until my friend was about to lick her ice cream and i stood up quickly causing her to fall right off her end of stool. she saw right through my laughter and crooked smile as i attempted to tease her in my broken bengali, " why can't you sit?" "are you ok?" "what happened?" from then on as we ate our ice cream, the looks went back and forth when we would jokingly try to stand up and then innocently ask one another if there was a problem. coming back from vacation, i missed the city. at this point in my trip it was growing on me, i wanted to be there. what did i find? i found a piece of me. on my day off when i got to drop by on some friends i hadn't seen in awhile, i found life. i laughed at my friends, laughed with them, missed them and felt that moments like this is why we live. why we have each other. they are moments i wouldn't exchange for all the luxuries or materials in the world. they are moments money can't buy.
so don't let this picture fool you. we have to come down from the mountain eventually. we have to search for ourselves in the messy, confusing and dirty world around us but don't give up. you can find life. you can find joy. you can find you.
there was also this time in kolkata when i just returned from a week in bangalore. we had gotten back the day before and had a day off before our week started up again. i chose to hop on the bus and go visit my dearest friends in the slum. they were so surprised to see me because i visited at a different time than usual, but they were so overjoyed i came to say hello. it was the heat of the day so they insisted that i sat with them outside their home. the small path in front of their home was too dirty for even them to rest on, so they made sure i was comfortable on this large sack of garbage that sat about 3 feet tall. a few minutes into our conversation my friend brought something a little more firm to sit on so we sat together this small piece that kept us just off the ground. it teetered with our weight as we shared the last week's events. suddenly they suggested something cold to drink, so i offered to buy ice cream instead. my friend stood up to go buy the ice cream but as she did the weight on our stool became uneven and i tumbled to the ground. this surprised all of us and we all started laughing because i had tipped over so dramatically. they tried to help me back on, but realized that without my friend the weight would not be even. together we decided it would just be better if i stood until my friend returned with the ice cream. when she returned, we passed around the ice cream and sat together back on the stool. now, of course, i'm mischievous so playful revenge was coming. i waited just until my friend was about to lick her ice cream and i stood up quickly causing her to fall right off her end of stool. she saw right through my laughter and crooked smile as i attempted to tease her in my broken bengali, " why can't you sit?" "are you ok?" "what happened?" from then on as we ate our ice cream, the looks went back and forth when we would jokingly try to stand up and then innocently ask one another if there was a problem. coming back from vacation, i missed the city. at this point in my trip it was growing on me, i wanted to be there. what did i find? i found a piece of me. on my day off when i got to drop by on some friends i hadn't seen in awhile, i found life. i laughed at my friends, laughed with them, missed them and felt that moments like this is why we live. why we have each other. they are moments i wouldn't exchange for all the luxuries or materials in the world. they are moments money can't buy.
so don't let this picture fool you. we have to come down from the mountain eventually. we have to search for ourselves in the messy, confusing and dirty world around us but don't give up. you can find life. you can find joy. you can find you.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
time to blog
its been so long and i have had the opposite of writers block. what would that be called? so here is a ADHD version of recent happenings/potential blog titles...
I went camping, boating and waterskiing.
I saw my besties from college. we live in the same state now.
First week back to work i got to go to the beach and a water park.
Second week, i got a clipboard swung at my head. good to be back.
Goodwill rocks! new microwave, george foreman grill, a painting.
Microwave doesn't actually work. boo.
Roomie #1 moves out.
Party for Roomie #2.
Roomie #2 leaves.
you're my person
praying made me cry. i'm so emotional. feelings are everywhere.
security guard hits on me.
appointments are so cultural.
giant map of canada on my wall.
charcoal bbqing
home improvement project was a success.
praying for home appliances. new microwave check. table??
greys: yang's my favorite.
praying for roomie #6 in two years
k sis #3 has a bun in the oven.
saw pictures of my k fam on the vacation i was supposed to be on with them.
got a few more tricks up my sleeve
experienced the power of faith in Jesus
committed to take a personal retreat before school starts
started going to life group again. its so life giving.
ate 7 courses of beef
rearranged furniture
trying to find words
waiting for my heart to catch up with my head
I went camping, boating and waterskiing.
I saw my besties from college. we live in the same state now.
First week back to work i got to go to the beach and a water park.
Second week, i got a clipboard swung at my head. good to be back.
Goodwill rocks! new microwave, george foreman grill, a painting.
Microwave doesn't actually work. boo.
Roomie #1 moves out.
Party for Roomie #2.
Roomie #2 leaves.
you're my person
praying made me cry. i'm so emotional. feelings are everywhere.
security guard hits on me.
appointments are so cultural.
giant map of canada on my wall.
charcoal bbqing
home improvement project was a success.
praying for home appliances. new microwave check. table??
greys: yang's my favorite.
praying for roomie #6 in two years
k sis #3 has a bun in the oven.
saw pictures of my k fam on the vacation i was supposed to be on with them.
got a few more tricks up my sleeve
experienced the power of faith in Jesus
committed to take a personal retreat before school starts
started going to life group again. its so life giving.
ate 7 courses of beef
rearranged furniture
trying to find words
waiting for my heart to catch up with my head
Thursday, July 30, 2009
what i needed to remember...
where my heart was two years ago and where it longs to be again...
When we see beauty we are “de self-centered.” By experiencing something transcendent, we willingly step aside and stand in awe of something else for a moment – our attention is momentarily diverted from our own drives, our passion, our self-interested pursuits. When we behold something beautiful, we are glad to step aside, to be quiet, to give the beautiful subject our voluntary allegiance…Moments of experiencing beauty evoke this kind of willing “step aside” response. (Joel Klepac, serves in Romania with WMF)
This is it! If only i could have said it like that. That statement is exactly why Kolkata stole my heart. Its why I didn’t miss the ”american/luxerious” life. No thing/food/experience here at home could compare to the beauty i experienced in India. (However the refills of lemonade at the american restaurant in Chennai would have been put in the “beautiful” category at the time). The beauty of the people there captured me and whisked me away. I know its crazy to say the most ugly, horrible, unjust place I have ever been was the most beautiful place I have ever experienced. I guess amidst the darkness the light was that much brighter and amidst the ugliness the beauty was more breathtaking. The beauty of a smile, laughter, a child, a kind word, a loving embrace, and the beautiful value of our fellow human beings drew me into the oddest experiences; places with rats, sitting on piles of garbage, being the center of attention, mocked and pointed at, getting lice, sitting on the street, sitting in the brothels, eating rice until i was going to vomit, sitting with the dying, hanging out in the slums, dancing like a fool and eating food so spicy it made me cry. But all of that faded away into the shadows of the radiance coming from the image of Christ I saw and experienced through the lives there. What i thought was important wasn’t really that important and what i thought really mattered, didn’t really matter. For a good part of the trip i was afraid to fully love and be loved back. I was afraid of the risk of love; of being disappointed, hurt, taken advantage of, or feeling dumb, but then when i finally had the eyes to see, I saw the beauty I would willing “step aside” for.
Now imagine our Beautiful God…
When we see beauty we are “de self-centered.” By experiencing something transcendent, we willingly step aside and stand in awe of something else for a moment – our attention is momentarily diverted from our own drives, our passion, our self-interested pursuits. When we behold something beautiful, we are glad to step aside, to be quiet, to give the beautiful subject our voluntary allegiance…Moments of experiencing beauty evoke this kind of willing “step aside” response. (Joel Klepac, serves in Romania with WMF)
This is it! If only i could have said it like that. That statement is exactly why Kolkata stole my heart. Its why I didn’t miss the ”american/luxerious” life. No thing/food/experience here at home could compare to the beauty i experienced in India. (However the refills of lemonade at the american restaurant in Chennai would have been put in the “beautiful” category at the time). The beauty of the people there captured me and whisked me away. I know its crazy to say the most ugly, horrible, unjust place I have ever been was the most beautiful place I have ever experienced. I guess amidst the darkness the light was that much brighter and amidst the ugliness the beauty was more breathtaking. The beauty of a smile, laughter, a child, a kind word, a loving embrace, and the beautiful value of our fellow human beings drew me into the oddest experiences; places with rats, sitting on piles of garbage, being the center of attention, mocked and pointed at, getting lice, sitting on the street, sitting in the brothels, eating rice until i was going to vomit, sitting with the dying, hanging out in the slums, dancing like a fool and eating food so spicy it made me cry. But all of that faded away into the shadows of the radiance coming from the image of Christ I saw and experienced through the lives there. What i thought was important wasn’t really that important and what i thought really mattered, didn’t really matter. For a good part of the trip i was afraid to fully love and be loved back. I was afraid of the risk of love; of being disappointed, hurt, taken advantage of, or feeling dumb, but then when i finally had the eyes to see, I saw the beauty I would willing “step aside” for.
Now imagine our Beautiful God…
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
wow, summer is here!
welcome home to 97 degrees, shorts, tank tops, beach days, swimming in the ocean, free concerts in the park, free time. glorious. my first summer vacation has come and gone. home was amazing. the longer i'm in LA the more I realize that I love the Northwest. Such a different pace of life, much cleaner air, parking lots, mountains, trees, real hiking and space. It was party central at our house for my sisters graduation and my mom's 60th birthday. I caught up with who i could, but there is never enough time to see everyone. and of course it wouldn't truly be going home unless it rained, just about every day. it makes us that much more thankful when it does clear and the sun comes out. it was canuck summer fun: the sequel because my canadian friend came home with me and isn't everything more fun with a canuck around? she is also the friend that is going to korea with me so we decided that it will be a trilogy. anyways,i'm not going to complain too much about LA. it has its perks. friends, beach, tacos all in one day. hard to beat that.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
summer, I'm coming!
just thought you should know i finally had a chicken salad sandwich and it was glorious. it was the "tuna" i remembered. five days til the end of the quarter and the beginning of summer, ten days until i go home for a week. summer will bring closing, opening, change, transition, change again. but it also means i don't have to go to class until aug which gives me real days off. lots of time to play, to go on adventures, to try something new, to remember the classics (aka taco tuesday). time to live in the moment, live thankful for the present, and live hopeful for the future.
"you were called to peace. and be thankful" Colossians 3:15
"you were called to peace. and be thankful" Colossians 3:15
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
i am mad at...
you are a lie
you are joke
you are a waste
let it go
move on
walk away
fall apart
get screwed
throw it back
make it right
start a fight
you aren't worth it
cut it off
give up
you are cursed
you read it
too late
i'll be gone
for good
bury it
leave a stone
go alone
you are joke
you are a waste
let it go
move on
walk away
fall apart
get screwed
throw it back
make it right
start a fight
you aren't worth it
cut it off
give up
you are cursed
you read it
too late
i'll be gone
for good
bury it
leave a stone
go alone
Monday, May 25, 2009
speak it
john 12:23-28
colossian 3:12-17
ephesians 3:16-19
at the start
he was there
in the end
he will be there
after all our hands have wrought
he forgives
oh the glory of it all is
that he came
for the rescue of us all
that we may live
for the glory of it all
all is lost
find him there
after night
dawn is there
after all falls apart
he repairs
oh he is here
for the redemption of the fall
that we may live
for the glory of it all
after night
comes the light
dawn is here
its a new day
everything will change
things will never be the same
oh the glory of it all is
that he came
for the rescue of us all
that we may live
for the glory of it all
colossian 3:12-17
ephesians 3:16-19
at the start
he was there
in the end
he will be there
after all our hands have wrought
he forgives
oh the glory of it all is
that he came
for the rescue of us all
that we may live
for the glory of it all
all is lost
find him there
after night
dawn is there
after all falls apart
he repairs
oh he is here
for the redemption of the fall
that we may live
for the glory of it all
after night
comes the light
dawn is here
its a new day
everything will change
things will never be the same
oh the glory of it all is
that he came
for the rescue of us all
that we may live
for the glory of it all
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
not tuna?!?!
when i was younger I remembered eating really good tuna sandwiches. They aren't something that i crave often, but occasionally I'm up for a good one. A couple months back, I got one of these cravings. I bought tuna fish but I couldn't quite remember what you mix in. I tried mayo, but it wasn't quite right so I added mustard. Still, not quite right or even that good. As a final attempt I added hot sauce. I figured they make spicy tuna sushi so why not a spicy tuna sandwich. It was edible, but certainly not anything close to what my mom made. We can call this, Tuna Sandwich failed attempt #1. Yesterday, I found another can of Tuna in my cupboard that i must have bought when i had my cravings months ago. I hadn't been brave enough to attempt again until yesterday. This time i asked my roommate and my friend who was going to share a tuna sandwich with me, how do you make a tuna sandwich? mayo? yep. mustard? nope. hot sauce? are you crazy? relish. oh yeah i do remember relish, but i remember dill relish though my roommate suggested sweet relish. celery. yeah i think i have had tuna with celery so i'll try that. salt and pepper. k, sounds good to me. Tuna sandwich attempt #2. I have what i needed except dill relish. when i was at the store sweet was cheaper than dill, so i thought i would follow my roommates recommendation. I thought maybe that would be the secret to the famous mom tuna sandwich. I followed the advice of my friends and I came away with a fairly decent tuna sandwich, but it still just wasn't right, not what i remembered. So what does a daughter do next, but call up her mom and yes, ask her how she makes a tuna sandwich (i am growing up i promise). I explained the whole ordeal to my mom, how i tried unsuccessfully to replicate the delicious sandwich from childhood.
"So Mom, what do you put on a tuna sandwich?"
"mayo. salt. pepper."
"Thats it?? i tried that and it didn't work. i remember relish, dill relish, do you put that in it?"
"i might have, but really i rarely made tuna for you girls growing up, but i made a lot of chicken salad sandwiches.
"CHICKEN?!?!?!" with dill relish?????
my mom is now hysterically laughing at me. "nope it was chicken."
this whole time my poor memory thought that great tasting sandwich was tuna, but nope. no wonder why a real tuna sandwich didn't taste right. it wasn't chicken.
"So Mom, what do you put on a tuna sandwich?"
"mayo. salt. pepper."
"Thats it?? i tried that and it didn't work. i remember relish, dill relish, do you put that in it?"
"i might have, but really i rarely made tuna for you girls growing up, but i made a lot of chicken salad sandwiches.
"CHICKEN?!?!?!" with dill relish?????
my mom is now hysterically laughing at me. "nope it was chicken."
this whole time my poor memory thought that great tasting sandwich was tuna, but nope. no wonder why a real tuna sandwich didn't taste right. it wasn't chicken.
Monday, May 11, 2009
twenty six and
i ate yummy indian food.
i am so blessed by friends.
i couldn't blow out all my candles, and there wasn't even 26.
i have enjoyed lunch dates and new music
cards and loving words.
i have laughed at myself and others.
i wrote a paper, finished a book
slept in, went for a run
i have felt loved, known and accepted
i have hung out with jesus
i have worshiped him
i am thankful
i am learning
i am hopeful.
i am so blessed by friends.
i couldn't blow out all my candles, and there wasn't even 26.
i have enjoyed lunch dates and new music
cards and loving words.
i have laughed at myself and others.
i wrote a paper, finished a book
slept in, went for a run
i have felt loved, known and accepted
i have hung out with jesus
i have worshiped him
i am thankful
i am learning
i am hopeful.
Friday, April 17, 2009
we haven't lost it all yet
i know posting song lyrics isn't always that creative, but this is the song that inspired my last blog post. i was listening to the song and next thing you know i'm blogging. seriously, its the reason i did. that dang line, "we haven't lost it all yet." and dang the first few lines too. ok there are a lot of good lines that hit home. its a good song and i really like the fray.
Halfway around the world
Lies the one thing that you want
Buried in the ground, hundreds of miles down
First thing that arises in your mind while you awake
Bending you til you break
Let me hold you now
Baby close your eyes
Don't open til the morning light
Baby don't forget
You haven't lost it all yet
Don't know what your made of
Til the one thing that you want
To come in with the dawn and suddenly changes
Monday, syndicate me, its everyone the same
But all we've lost to the flame
Listen to me now
Baby close your eyes
Don't open til the morning light
Don't ever forget
We haven't lost it all yet
All we know for sure
Is all that we are fighting for
Baby don't forget
We haven't lost it all yet
Someday when this is over
We mix it up, no answer
For now its when I hold her
We are closer, we are closer
We are closer, we are closer
Baby close your eyes
Don't open til the morning light
Don't ever forget
We haven't lost it all yet
And all we know for sure
Is all that we are fighting for
Baby don't forget
We haven't lost it all yet
We are closer
we are closer(We haven't lost it all yet)
Now we are closer(We haven't lost it all yet)
We are closer
Halfway around the world
Lies the one thing that you want
Buried in the ground, hundreds of miles down
First thing that arises in your mind while you awake
Bending you til you break
Let me hold you now
Baby close your eyes
Don't open til the morning light
Baby don't forget
You haven't lost it all yet
Don't know what your made of
Til the one thing that you want
To come in with the dawn and suddenly changes
Monday, syndicate me, its everyone the same
But all we've lost to the flame
Listen to me now
Baby close your eyes
Don't open til the morning light
Don't ever forget
We haven't lost it all yet
All we know for sure
Is all that we are fighting for
Baby don't forget
We haven't lost it all yet
Someday when this is over
We mix it up, no answer
For now its when I hold her
We are closer, we are closer
We are closer, we are closer
Baby close your eyes
Don't open til the morning light
Don't ever forget
We haven't lost it all yet
And all we know for sure
Is all that we are fighting for
Baby don't forget
We haven't lost it all yet
We are closer
we are closer(We haven't lost it all yet)
Now we are closer(We haven't lost it all yet)
We are closer
Thursday, April 16, 2009
i'm pleased to introduce
August 2008- i discovered i was the family secret. i always joked about that. my birth mother kept her pregnancy from the whole family including my biological dad. he knew she was pregnant with me, but he was away working in saudi arabia because they were poor. she told him that the baby died. in secret from her family she gave birth to me, named me and gave me up for adoption. 1 girl too many. before my birth mother died she told my sisters about me. in her will she told the rest of her family. once my birth sister contacted me last year, they told my biological father that i existed. surprise! since last spring i have been emailing my middle sister fairly regularly.
feb 18th, 2009- i had found out earlier through emails with my sister that i had a cousin who is a pastor at a korean church in san diego. on monday i get a call from him saying that his mom and my mom were sisters. then he says his mother is visiting san diego from korea and would like to meet me. gulp. so sure enough wednesday my cousin's whole family (wife and 4 boys plus his mom/my aunt) drive up from san diego for dinner. i meet my cousin and his family and i meet my aunt. she is a pastor in korea, cute older korean lady that pointed to the blonde streaks in my hair :) she was sweet to me, kept using my korean name. i wish i had more words, but i was speechless. my cousin and his wife spoke english so we all kinda talked as they translated for my aunt and i. i heard the first stories of my biological mother. the hard working generous heart she had, but not untainted by the burden of secrecy she carried most her life. we laughed, cried, took pictures. i assured my aunt the blonde in my hair was dyed, not natural. they told me i looked like my older sisters. they told me they were sorry. i told them it was ok. my aunt left and i said see you again in july.
july 21- aug 3 2009- i'm taking the leap back to the mothership. beam me up scottie. i will spend 12 days in korea with a friend here from fuller. i'm planning on a fun, chaotic, akward, random, amazing, unforgettable time. i'll meet and stay with the family. i'm not sure how much more extended family is out there. my sisters all live in 3 different places, but knowing koreans we probably will all be together the whole time. just imagine that picture above plus me (and my tall white canadian friend).
i wish i could say that there is no more to it than that, but i can't. behind these words, facts, and last year, i have crumbled away into a million pieces. nothing fitting together anymore, nothing being like it should, nothing the way i imagined it, nothing making sense. the internal struggles go beyond words, beyond what i am able to understand. it was not that i wasn't excited for what was ahead, but it was that i didn't want to give up the life i had. the one i knew, understood, believed in, and put my trust in. betrayed by the life i was supposed to be in control of, i refused the love i needed most. i had to be angry, betrayed, sad, hurt, dissapointed, guilty, ashamed, confused and lost. no one could rush me. no one could do it for me. i had to meet my own demise. that i did. but i did in the arms of mercy, grace, forgiveness and love that held onto me even when i let go. now i'm ready to look at the pieces that won't go back together the same way as before. it will have to be something new. i am something new. we are something new. but i will begin again.
journal entry jan 2008 (just before finding out about my birth family).
let it be as You(God) say:
you will be tempted to say its what you have done or be bitter because you don't understand, but you have to trust its my love. the old is going, but its making room for the new to come. the tearing down is for the new creation. you will have my love, you will have me. the old is passing away, your world is falling apart. you will want to ask "why", but ask how I can transfrom it. nothing is to remain dead. trust my love, that i'm there. you will be able to say it was me. you will have my love to rely on, to hold onto. the old is passing away.
Lord you don't ask for what doesn't cost. it is the way i love you. it is my worship. my father, my friend, my savior provide the faith. what looks like it is lost will be found only in you. i refuse to gain the whole world and lose my soul. who am i that i should deny your will and pleasure. i put my trust in you. i hand over my hope. in jesus name, amen.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
when i didn't know what to say
to God, I was provided with these prayers on Easter morning:
Almighty God, we thank you for the gift of the cosmic Christ, whose love unleashes in the universe a power never to be eclipsed. May this Christ who crushed death dissolve our inner fears and set free in us that creative spirit which sees the world anew and brings wholeness to your creation. Amen.
Almighty God to you all hearts are open, all desires known and from you no secrets hid. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
God of all life, crush the tombs of fear and despair that hold us captive, that we may be released into the fullness of life. Fill us with your light.
Water the seeds of justice and love deep within us, that we may grow in generosity and compassion and minister to those who are in need. Fill us with your light.
Shine the blazing light of the resurrection in every corner of our violent lives and energize us for the challenging work of peace. Fill us with your light.
Call this community of faith to build that new world of justice and wholeness for all people; comfort and uphold us on this journey. Fill us with your light.
God of the living, who validated the life of Christ by bringing forth life from the grave, help us to trust your love which is stronger than death and make us agents of hope and healing in your world. In the name of the risen Christ. Amen.
God, of our Lord Jesus Christ, open our eyes to see your hand at work in the world about us. Deliver us from the presumption of coming to the Table for solace only, and not for strength; for pardon only, and not for renewal. Let the grace of this Holy Communion make us one body, one spirit in Christ, that we may worthily serve the world in Christ's name.
Eternal God, great Creator, you have graciously accepted us as living members of your son our savior Jesus Christ and you have fed us with spiritual food in the Sacraments of Christ's body and blood. Send us now into the world in peace and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
its exactly the start I needed.
Almighty God, we thank you for the gift of the cosmic Christ, whose love unleashes in the universe a power never to be eclipsed. May this Christ who crushed death dissolve our inner fears and set free in us that creative spirit which sees the world anew and brings wholeness to your creation. Amen.
Almighty God to you all hearts are open, all desires known and from you no secrets hid. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
God of all life, crush the tombs of fear and despair that hold us captive, that we may be released into the fullness of life. Fill us with your light.
Water the seeds of justice and love deep within us, that we may grow in generosity and compassion and minister to those who are in need. Fill us with your light.
Shine the blazing light of the resurrection in every corner of our violent lives and energize us for the challenging work of peace. Fill us with your light.
Call this community of faith to build that new world of justice and wholeness for all people; comfort and uphold us on this journey. Fill us with your light.
God of the living, who validated the life of Christ by bringing forth life from the grave, help us to trust your love which is stronger than death and make us agents of hope and healing in your world. In the name of the risen Christ. Amen.
God, of our Lord Jesus Christ, open our eyes to see your hand at work in the world about us. Deliver us from the presumption of coming to the Table for solace only, and not for strength; for pardon only, and not for renewal. Let the grace of this Holy Communion make us one body, one spirit in Christ, that we may worthily serve the world in Christ's name.
Eternal God, great Creator, you have graciously accepted us as living members of your son our savior Jesus Christ and you have fed us with spiritual food in the Sacraments of Christ's body and blood. Send us now into the world in peace and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
its exactly the start I needed.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
shane and shane
God's been speaking to me at the gym lately. this is what i heard today on my ipod.
"In you"
I sing for joy
In my remorse
A well within prosperity’s curse
That drowns the mighty oak of pride
But feeds the root of God inside.
In You I find my rest
In You I find my death
In You I find my all and my emptiness
Somehow it all makes sense
In You I’m rich
When I’ve been made poor
Comfort found when I mourn
The prideful one You see from afar
Drawing near to low, broken hearts.
In You I find my rest
In You I find my death
In You I find my all and my emptiness
But it all makes sense
In you
"In you"
I sing for joy
In my remorse
A well within prosperity’s curse
That drowns the mighty oak of pride
But feeds the root of God inside.
In You I find my rest
In You I find my death
In You I find my all and my emptiness
Somehow it all makes sense
In You I’m rich
When I’ve been made poor
Comfort found when I mourn
The prideful one You see from afar
Drawing near to low, broken hearts.
In You I find my rest
In You I find my death
In You I find my all and my emptiness
But it all makes sense
In you
aint just broke
shattered into millions
each sharp painful edge
cuts with rage, with regret
empty hands hold the loss
yesterday is gone
today isn’t coming
left with the mess
that I didn’t make
that I won’t touch
I wait in pieces
for you to say
the old is gone
for you to say
the new is coming
for you to say
I will rebuild with
these pieces
each sharp painful edge
cuts with rage, with regret
empty hands hold the loss
yesterday is gone
today isn’t coming
left with the mess
that I didn’t make
that I won’t touch
I wait in pieces
for you to say
the old is gone
for you to say
the new is coming
for you to say
I will rebuild with
these pieces
Sunday, March 29, 2009
its spring!
got my first beach day in, complete with splashing and playing in the water in my clothes.
got my shopping in, new shoes, new clothes, new haircut, new music.
got my cleaning done, scrubbed, dusted, vacuumed.
got and still have itchy eyes, running nose and the sneezes. yeah for seasonal allergies.
i'm getting rid of my winter shade and gaining more freckles.
people are coming to visit to get away from the rain.
three new classes start tuesday.
ten weeks until vacation.
got my shopping in, new shoes, new clothes, new haircut, new music.
got my cleaning done, scrubbed, dusted, vacuumed.
got and still have itchy eyes, running nose and the sneezes. yeah for seasonal allergies.
i'm getting rid of my winter shade and gaining more freckles.
people are coming to visit to get away from the rain.
three new classes start tuesday.
ten weeks until vacation.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
my final four
besides bragging about my alma mater making it to the final four, go bruins! i just have four things left on my to do list this quarter. starting at 6:30 am tomorrow morning, in this exact order...
1. work until 2:30pm
2. finish and turn in final paper # 1
3. 1 hr of blah blah blah
4. work on/edit/redo/finish/turn in final paper #2 (keep in mind though its the last thing, it could take me up til
friday at 1:40pm to complete, but at least not any later)
get your game face on.
1. work until 2:30pm
2. finish and turn in final paper # 1
3. 1 hr of blah blah blah
4. work on/edit/redo/finish/turn in final paper #2 (keep in mind though its the last thing, it could take me up til
friday at 1:40pm to complete, but at least not any later)
get your game face on.
Monday, March 16, 2009
*ding* round 1
church was good tonight. God knocked on my heart. funny, i figured he had left by now.
must be because someone else is praying. i'm sure not.
I had stopped listening to all worship/icky God music, filled with lame, mushy sentiments, fluff, fluff, fluff, not grounded in real life. why is all the angry music written by people who don't believe in God? do people who believe in God not get angry? well if that is the case, i don't want your God. i need a God i can curse at, flip off, throw rocks at. if your God is so great, he should be able to take it right? i think people who don't believe in God are better off sometimes. first off, they aren't fake. well everyone is fake, but they are less fake when life is sucky. i think i would rather have bad days, then fake good ones. they also ask better questions, about things that really matter. like, why was my brother was killed? yep that sucks. and sometimes people who believe in God, don't give good answers. they make you feel like thats a dumb question and that just makes you feel worse. i'm sorry to all the people i made feel worse by giving you a stupid answer. i remember one night at a bible study the guy leading it was saying how he thought we as christians, don't challenge God enough. We don't question God when bad things happen or could happen. just after that bible study we found out our friend died in a car accident. i wonder what he prayed later that night? you can't measure faith. some people think how much you read your bible and pray determines how much faith you have. but i don't think so. if you are suffering, then just waking up takes faith. lots of it. i'm going to put my faith in God. if he wants me, he is going to have to come get me. if he wants me to follow him, he has to give me something worth following. i'm not going to pretend to have faith, i don't. if he wants me to believe he cares, he is going to have to do something about the things i care about. real life. i don't think that is asking too much. i'm not going to church, reading my bible or praying, but if what i'm doing is not trying than i'm more lost than i think. i know writing all of this means i'm in for a good butt kicking. but i would take a butting-kicking God over a God who is absent. i'm putting on the gloves...
must be because someone else is praying. i'm sure not.
I had stopped listening to all worship/icky God music, filled with lame, mushy sentiments, fluff, fluff, fluff, not grounded in real life. why is all the angry music written by people who don't believe in God? do people who believe in God not get angry? well if that is the case, i don't want your God. i need a God i can curse at, flip off, throw rocks at. if your God is so great, he should be able to take it right? i think people who don't believe in God are better off sometimes. first off, they aren't fake. well everyone is fake, but they are less fake when life is sucky. i think i would rather have bad days, then fake good ones. they also ask better questions, about things that really matter. like, why was my brother was killed? yep that sucks. and sometimes people who believe in God, don't give good answers. they make you feel like thats a dumb question and that just makes you feel worse. i'm sorry to all the people i made feel worse by giving you a stupid answer. i remember one night at a bible study the guy leading it was saying how he thought we as christians, don't challenge God enough. We don't question God when bad things happen or could happen. just after that bible study we found out our friend died in a car accident. i wonder what he prayed later that night? you can't measure faith. some people think how much you read your bible and pray determines how much faith you have. but i don't think so. if you are suffering, then just waking up takes faith. lots of it. i'm going to put my faith in God. if he wants me, he is going to have to come get me. if he wants me to follow him, he has to give me something worth following. i'm not going to pretend to have faith, i don't. if he wants me to believe he cares, he is going to have to do something about the things i care about. real life. i don't think that is asking too much. i'm not going to church, reading my bible or praying, but if what i'm doing is not trying than i'm more lost than i think. i know writing all of this means i'm in for a good butt kicking. but i would take a butting-kicking God over a God who is absent. i'm putting on the gloves...
Friday, March 13, 2009
without you
why can't i have peace that comes without understanding
or joy that greets me in the morning
where is the love that is more powerful than fear
or the comfort for all my troubles
what about the faith that doesn't need to see
or the hope that is so sure
what am i supposed to do without you
i'm not doing well on my own
or joy that greets me in the morning
where is the love that is more powerful than fear
or the comfort for all my troubles
what about the faith that doesn't need to see
or the hope that is so sure
what am i supposed to do without you
i'm not doing well on my own
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I'm not sure if its because i'm feeling poetic or because i'm awake with nothing else to do, but i have decided to revisit my blog. As you can see its been a few months since i have been here and the only thing i have been able to muster up is promises that i pray are not empty. "Finding oneself" is so cliche but people go to all sorts of lengths to try and do it. It seems to be characterized by solidarity, adventure, travel, new experiences. Its a time where anything goes, its all out on the table, everything is up for grabs. When one is in the business of self discovery i feel like one opens themselves to anything that is possible in hopes that somehow it will not leave them unchanged. The secret hope in all of us is that when we search, we will find something. But, what happens when something finds you. When rather than being in the drivers seat on the open road of self discovery, you are a ship captain in the perfect storm. The captain defaults back to the basics, nothing fancy, just what is required to survive. There is no time to try new things. Its interesting that both events lead to discovery. Both a free spirit and a tested one hint that we are more resilient than we think, we can face more than we imagine, and we come out better for it, whether we found ourselves or not. I think the point is that we are willing to search because no matter what we find, inevitably we will lose it again.
What is the point of all this rambling? Its ok, i'm not sure either. i'm guess i'm still searching. i had found a part of me in india and then i came to seminary and lost other parts of me. the last year and half have been this constant relay between finding and losing. It has led to lots of changing, molding and shaping. I feel like my core identity is in constant limbo these days. im wanting things to go back the way they were, but that would be living in the past. im wanting to know how it will all turn out, but that would be living in the future. i have people from my past that are holding up the "before" picture and i don't know how much of that part of me is left. i also have people who are holding out what i could be "after" and i don't know how much of myself i would recognize. instead of my life being a still picture that can be captured in a second, it feels more like a mural whose details are being woven together as it takes form. a solution? don't have one. how about instead, an offering. Creator, i offer myself to you in both the roads and the storms. do with the canvas as you desire and will.
What is the point of all this rambling? Its ok, i'm not sure either. i'm guess i'm still searching. i had found a part of me in india and then i came to seminary and lost other parts of me. the last year and half have been this constant relay between finding and losing. It has led to lots of changing, molding and shaping. I feel like my core identity is in constant limbo these days. im wanting things to go back the way they were, but that would be living in the past. im wanting to know how it will all turn out, but that would be living in the future. i have people from my past that are holding up the "before" picture and i don't know how much of that part of me is left. i also have people who are holding out what i could be "after" and i don't know how much of myself i would recognize. instead of my life being a still picture that can be captured in a second, it feels more like a mural whose details are being woven together as it takes form. a solution? don't have one. how about instead, an offering. Creator, i offer myself to you in both the roads and the storms. do with the canvas as you desire and will.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Delight yourself in the Lord
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this...
Psalm 37:4-5
Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this...
Psalm 37:4-5
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O Lord, endures forever.
Do not abandon the work of your hands.
Psalm 138: 8
Do not abandon the work of your hands.
Psalm 138: 8
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