Friday, October 07, 2016

The little things,' like a warm(er) shower

I anticipated a learning a curve that's for sure. Mistakes, taboos, mishaps, etc when learning a new language or entering a new culture. The funny thing is you expect them to happen, but you don't actually know they are happening, without help or luck. I have been taking luke-warmish showers. Like with a shiver here and there, a quick in and out but not impossible type of shower. Of course I don't want to complain because maybe that is just the way it is. I mean there is one valve to turn. I give it a few turns until what seems like a reasonable flow and well, it is just not very hot. I was not looking forward to washing my hair but I did, and I mentally told myself,  I will get used to this. It is not that bad. insert *shiver* Wanting to experience the warmth for as long as possible I stood under it as I slowly turned the valve off expecting it to become increasingly colder. But, NO! It got hotter. The more turns towards "off", righty-tighty, the warmer it got. As the flow slowed, the temperature went up! Obviously this was an amazing discovery, but one I would have never guessed. Think about it with me now, at home, the more we turn a knob or valve on, the more the water temperature will increase. If I was to turn the one knob in my shower just a little, the water would be freezing. In fact I turn it "on" all the way to get hot water. But alas, Guatemala, you are the opposite. I'm so glad it only took me a couple days to learn to this. I'm going to try it with the sink now when I wash my hands.

It is these little things and obviously much bigger things that amaze me about culture and the way people do things in different places. It is so fascinating, I love it!!!!

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