Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Bienvenidos! (Day 1)

I'm going to make a concentrated effort to be consistent with this blog. It is my first day so I have plenty of time, but writing here or in my journal is a good spiritual practice to adopt.  I wanted to record first impressions and thoughts because even just a month from now they will change. In a way all the buildings and streets look so similar. Last time I was here I tried to walk to the park by myself with a mental note of landmarks however this was hindered by stores being closed and not looking quite the same. Like any new place, I have to learn to get places without the added benefit of GPS, but with landmarks and memory. I'm determined to improve in this area however the perfectionist in me doesn't understand why I don't know it already!! silly...

That this is my new home and not just a visit hasn't sunk in yet, but as things become more familiar and my spanish hopefully improves it will start to feel like home without too much effort. There is so much to learn, not just about the place and language, but the people and the culture. So exciting! Monday the team had a big celebration for the day of the children. I was here for it 2 years ago but this year they had 75 kids! They were kids from the neighborhood and from the park. What a cool thing to love on so many kids. It goes to show much the team loves what they do. I can't wait to slowly become a part of it. There is the other side of it too, walking by a couple women who prostitute on the corner where I'm staying and being visited by a friend of theirs who is a addict. She is addicted to sniffing glue, she was looking skinny and dirty and not able to stand well. Liz has befriended her and shared some food with her and is hoping to get her to rehab, but there aren't many good choices. The team fasted and prayed for her a couple weeks ago. She is one to keep in your prayers. Thanks for all you have done. Your love, prayers and support to both me and family is greatly appreciated!!

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