Friday, January 04, 2008

I love being organized!

School starts again on Monday and i'm truly excited. Today I had the day off so I feel so productive. I finally decided on my classes after being unsure for about a month. I'm taking Culture and Transformation and the Art of Evangelism. The Art of Evangelism I just decided on today, but I was in the bookstore browsing through the textbooks and I thought this could be a cool class. Grad school is so much reading, so i figure if the books look appealing maybe the class will be too. Between my two classes this quarter's library consists of: Transforming Power, Ministering Cross-culturally, Transforming Culture, Breaking Tradition to Accomplish Vision, Culture Matters, the logic of evangelism, Evangelism in the Early Church, Conversion in the New Testament, Holy Conversation and More Ready than You Realize. Sweet huh? I'm honestly thrilled about it. I might even start reading this weekend.

I finally hung up pictures on my wall. They have been blank since well... September. I have never been one for much decorating. I have always wanted to be that type of person, but even so I figured blank walls for the last 4 months was long enough! I also dusted, yes also for the first time since i moved in, ewww. Now, my room is all clean and organized so I feel ready to start school. Last night a friend and I started the Bourne Identity Trilogy. Thanks to a gift card for blockbuster we decided to watch the first one last night and hopefully we will watch the second one tonight. So far I have concluded that I never really watched them before because matt damon is not my favorite. i don't really know why, but I don't think I have ever really liked a movie he has been in. is that mean? I'm not really sure. I guess I'll give him two more chances to win my heart. Speaking of movies for the last 5 years I have gone on a media fast in january. It just means I didn't watch tv or movies in jan and replaced that time with prayer and the word. It usually concluded at the end of the month when each year I would attend Generation Unleashed, a youth conference in portland. Honestly between school and work I have zero time for movies so i'm having to rethink the media fast and try to find something else. It doesn't really matter what "it" is that I fast from as long as it requires sacrifice and is replaced by more time in prayer and time with God. I won't get into the theology of prayer and fasting, but the greatest reward for me in the beginning of a new year is simply being with Christ and making more time for him; praying. listening. learning.

Well friends, welcome to my new/old blog. I can't promise how often you will find me here, but I'll do my best.

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