Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Nike 101

Nike is fun. Its only been one day, but this is what I have discovered. I have a cubicle. Its empty now, but it makes me feel somewhat important with my own space, computer and phone number. I need to bring a few things in, but I don't know how much I will actually be there. I do have some projects to work on, so it will come in handy. I'm basically working on salary. I get paid hourly, but my boss told me today that I will always get 40 hrs a week and it doesn't matter too much when i come in or leave. As long as I get my work done and I know there will be days when I'm super busy and stay late or come early, but no work equals free/play time around campus. I hope to fit in workouts, spin cycle class, rock climbing, pilates, a massage, soccer, etc. I saw Kobe Byrant today. He was doing a photo shoot in the room next to me while I was packing up the old training room to move downstairs. My boss flew down to Laguna Beach this last weekend to have dinner with her finacee and Michael Jordan. Her finacee works for brand Jordan and I heard someone teasing her that he is the CEO of brand Jordan. Isn't this all crazy? I mean I knew someone had to work for all these famous people, but I never thought I would meet them. Oh and the best of all my boss knows the Lord. Super Cool. I talked to her briefly about how I became a christian and she told me she had gone to Beaverton Foursquare, but it was gettting too big so they have been trying some other churches. Her fiancee was a youth pastor for awhile and taught sunday school. It was super encouraging to hear. She really has a heart for missions and loves to travel. Its pretty neat.

Its like when I went to Washington D.C. and realized there were these people that loved God that were serving Him in the government and in politics etc. It just opened my eyes to see God and how small my prayers were and what the influence of God truly was. It was in places I never really believed or thought of cuz it was outside of "my small world". I'm realizing the same thing at Nike. I have never prayed for famous people before or the people that interact with them etc. For some odd reason if i did think about it I never believed in my prayers. But now i'm seeing this whole new world that God is obviously a part of and is using christians to influence people, companies, and countries. Its pretty humbling and awesome to be aware of God in a whole new way. He is so huge and nothing is out of His reach. Its pretty cool to think about.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Hello again. I agree about the parying for famous people thing. I mean, if you told people that you prayed for Michael Jordan, they'd probably be all "ooo-kay...." but if you said you were praying for a friend's fiancee's boss, that'd be a different story.