Saturday, June 03, 2006

Last day

Today was my last day working at the Alzheimer's facility. It was a normal day, but I'm kinda sad to be leaving not just the people i work with, but the people that live there. They are so precious even though i got punched today multiple times by this one guy. But I love it cuz 4 secs later, if they calm down they are calling you dear and sweetie again. Go figure. I woud like to try and make an effort to go see some of them again. Lets be honest not very many of them have family or vistors. Its a strange feeling knowing you have been part of someones life although they will never know it. Its weird to pray and picture meeting these people some day in heaven, young, happy and healthy. I can't even imagine what that will feel like. I learned a lot about life from watching it slip away. Dying is a strange thing, but we all have to do it. Sorry, that kinda sounds morbid, I'm not trying to be depressing.

On to more fun stuff. Tonight I'm taking Hannah out to Todai for her b-day. Its an all-you-can eat sushi and seafood buffet in Pioneer Place. Its really fun and really really good. I went there last year for my birthday cuz its free on your b-day. So if you would rather have free sushi on your birthday rather than a free burger, go to Todai. It is also the start of the Rose festival in p-town. Tonight is the the Starlight Parade through downtown. We may, by default, get stuck in downtown and watch the parade, but i thought it would be fun if its not raining. I'm totally pysched for a kick back fun night out on the town.

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