Monday, May 08, 2017

It is the little things

Over the last 7 months here I have learned that the little things matter. The question that circulates regularly through my mind is “Am I doing enough?” Trying to talk to people in the park sometimes meant we stood in silence, sometimes we sat in silence, but we did it together admittedly awkwardly. The people I stop to acknowledge in the park are often viewed more as scenery and less as people. Usually selling things and easily brushed of by others, I would stop and acknowledge their existence as a human, valuable to me and to God.  Even if I don’t have much to say I’ll stop if just for a moment to say hi to a friend.  This little thing matters.

A lot of our ministry and even the culture centers around hospitality. I have a house with a good size kitchen and a nice table that I wish was full a little more often. Lunch is the big meal here usually served with a form of meat, rice, veggies and of course tortillas. I have space for guests and the resources to make sure anyone who eats in my house can eat until they are full. Sometimes for families that work in the park there is not enough food for the families or the kids. In my home, there is enough food for people to have as much as they need or like. For people I share meals with, it is my gift to them. This little thing matters.

As a team we offer friendships and relationships that are safe and free of violence or abuse. Domestic abuse and child abuse are in nearly every home. We offer examples of marriages, family and friendships that are free from these things. We provide places where kids can spend time without experiencing violence and can feel sincere love, free of abuse.  We hope the kids we know feel safe, appreciated, valued, loved and encouraged when they spend time with us. We are positive loving adults in their lives without the presence of any form of abuse. This little thing matters.

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