Monday, June 24, 2013

Straight line or station?

I'm recovering from being out of commission for most of the week due to illness. I didn't leave bed for 3 days so I'm some relieved to feeling better. Imodium and rehydrating salts became my best friend :)
I made it into town by taxi. I passed some neighborhood kids on my way to the main road and two of the girls wanted to walk with me. I think by now they recognize me J In order get the taxi to stop for you, you just point your finger in in the air which mean you are going to town I guess.  Now, when I say taxi it’s really like the equivalent of a 15 passenger van. I’m pretty sure they just drive around the township picking people up until they are full and then drive into town. He literally honked at every person we passed or saw. I’m going to have to get used to so much honking.  It’s very different then the states where you just get in and head straight to where you are going. Maybe this is why we run on cp time (the original) here. No one’s in a hurry.

For the local taxi's you use hand signals to tell the driver which way you want to go. You make a circular motion with your fist if you want to go to the station/ plaza for shopping or anything in that direction. Coming home you make a gesture of straight line and tell them your stop. It works quite easily actually.You just get in with the rest of the people going that direction. My accent has proved to be a little bit of barrier when telling the driver where I want to get down. The other day it took a couple people in the taxi with me to figure it out what i was saying but I got there just fine. 

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