when i was younger I remembered eating really good tuna sandwiches. They aren't something that i crave often, but occasionally I'm up for a good one. A couple months back, I got one of these cravings. I bought tuna fish but I couldn't quite remember what you mix in. I tried mayo, but it wasn't quite right so I added mustard. Still, not quite right or even that good. As a final attempt I added hot sauce. I figured they make spicy tuna sushi so why not a spicy tuna sandwich. It was edible, but certainly not anything close to what my mom made. We can call this, Tuna Sandwich failed attempt #1. Yesterday, I found another can of Tuna in my cupboard that i must have bought when i had my cravings months ago. I hadn't been brave enough to attempt again until yesterday. This time i asked my roommate and my friend who was going to share a tuna sandwich with me, how do you make a tuna sandwich? mayo? yep. mustard? nope. hot sauce? are you crazy? relish. oh yeah i do remember relish, but i remember dill relish though my roommate suggested sweet relish. celery. yeah i think i have had tuna with celery so i'll try that. salt and pepper. k, sounds good to me. Tuna sandwich attempt #2. I have what i needed except dill relish. when i was at the store sweet was cheaper than dill, so i thought i would follow my roommates recommendation. I thought maybe that would be the secret to the famous mom tuna sandwich. I followed the advice of my friends and I came away with a fairly decent tuna sandwich, but it still just wasn't right, not what i remembered. So what does a daughter do next, but call up her mom and yes, ask her how she makes a tuna sandwich (i am growing up i promise). I explained the whole ordeal to my mom, how i tried unsuccessfully to replicate the delicious sandwich from childhood.
"So Mom, what do you put on a tuna sandwich?"
"mayo. salt. pepper."
"Thats it?? i tried that and it didn't work. i remember relish, dill relish, do you put that in it?"
"i might have, but really i rarely made tuna for you girls growing up, but i made a lot of chicken salad sandwiches.
"CHICKEN?!?!?!" with dill relish?????
my mom is now hysterically laughing at me. "nope it was chicken."
this whole time my poor memory thought that great tasting sandwich was tuna, but nope. no wonder why a real tuna sandwich didn't taste right. it wasn't chicken.
Tuna is the chicken of the sea.
I'm freaking out here with this login junk.
i'm full of anticipation for this incredible chicken sandwich!
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