Sunday, February 03, 2008

it rains here

even so cal gets rain and snow. the mountains just behind my house have snow on the tops and the ones a little further in the distance are even more snow covered. today it is raining again, but i won't complain. i'm trying to be a true nwesterner by not using an umbrella. i'm super excited because this week I received kyle's new cd that is full of songs he wrote while we were in kolkata. he is a great musician and his lyrics tug my heart back to india. its an awesome cd! i have had it on constantly since i got it. next weeek is already midterms. quarters go by so fast. classes are still going well. i'm excited about the projects i have in both classes. i love that in grad school the work you do can directly apply to your interests or what you want to do after school. its not like algebra 2. speaking of math i'm a little embarrassed to say that when i help the kids with their math i sometimes forget all the steps of long division or even fractions. how bad is that. well i gotta run off. i'm trying a new church today with some friends. live today with all your heart.

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