Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Why now?

Well i guess i'll starting blogging again today. I don't know how many "agains" this is, but its exactly 3 months since my last blog so why not start now. I want to maybe try and keep a blog while I'm in india cuz it would be a good way to share my experiences during my time there. I don't know if that will be possible or if it will be a priority to keep posting, but I can always try. I just realized that in exactly 3 months from today I will be leaving for India; strange.... It doesn't even feel real or like I'm actually going, but I am and I know I can't imagine what it will be like. I do have to read 3 books and write 3 papers by December 1. I'm currently reading The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey. I think it is really good and offers a great perspective on Jesus' life and the poor. It faces the fact that Jesus was in the company of the poor and the outcasts, yet in today's christianity those are the people groups most unlikely to step a foot into church. It touches on the fact that the Jesus represented in Christianity today may not be the Jesus we read about in the bible. I would recommend it.

Last time I wrote I had just started coaching the sherwood soccer team and now our last game is this Saturday. I can't believe how fast it has gone by. We have our end of the year party next Tuesday in Sherwood and then I'll be done. Its been a really fun experience and I hope I was able to make a positive impact on their impressible lives. I mean ate age 11 they are at my house eating spaghetti and decorating sugar cookies and at age 15 they will be getting drunk and having sex with boys. Oh Lord help them.

Well i guess that is it for my blogging debut, once again. Over and out.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Oh, how fun! I'm excited you're "back"!!!!!