Tuesday, July 18, 2006

you can call me coach

My girls decided they want to call me "coach." I told them that they didn't have to, but they wanted to. It was so fun tonight. I made it to the last half of their practice so I met them, their parents and got to play a little with them. It will be so fun to coach soccer. They are 11, going into the 6th grade. I think its like the best age ever. Young enough to automatically love you and old enough to be receptive and follow directions. It should be so fun. I get to hang out with them and help teach them soccer. It will be great. I'm still a little nervous about the whole parents thing. Keeping the parents happy is half that battle, but so far so good. Thursday will be my first full practice on my own with them. 1hr and half with them and boy do they need to get in shape. I do too though, so I'll probably run with them but its still conditioning. I'm so excited to teach them little basic things that will make a huge difference and help them out alot. It will be exciting to watch them learn. The girls there were actually pretty good, i was impressed. They were better than I expected. I praise the Lord for this opportunity cause i think its a wonderful blessing to be a part of these girls lives and get to know their families. Their season will go into November so I get to spend a lot of time with them. God just opened this door and I ran through so you can pray I will be open to opportunities to sow and invest in these girls and their families. I'm so thankful to be able to this. So regardless of Nike I think I should just plan on being here through dec. This coaching position is volunteer, so i will probably have to find another job, but I'm be coaching through Nov. Cool. :) glory to God.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Parents....hahaha. Welcome to my greatest fear. ESPECIALLY in Sherwood.