Friday, May 12, 2006


I just wanted all my friends to know that you are incredible and i had the best 23rd birthday ever. It was lots of fun, so thanks for celebrating with me. And kudos to steph who swallowed half a piece of sushi, well done friend. I hopefully got rid of the shopping bug that I caught because I have definetly done my share of supporting our economy the last two days. I came away with 2 new jackets, 3 shirts, a new purse/bag, a wedding present and a graduation present. I still might look for a watch, but its kinda nice not to be tied down by time. Now I need to catch the cleaning/organizing bug cuz my room needs help.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I'm so sad that I wasn't around to help celebrate. I'm also sad that I stinkin' forgot to CALL!

Sorry. :) Happy Bday late (and year will be better).