July was full of various trainings that our team has received on various topics. We had a follow-up session on the opportunity to visit and work in the jails. There has been a change in leadership and we have had to get permission and clearance to enter, from people in Guatemala City. We are still waiting on the ok but have been praying if we want to do a formal bible study or do more informal types of visits to build relationships and get to know the women or men inside. I personally have never visited a jail here or in the states so it would be my first time working in this type of environment. I'm open and curious but also imagine I would have a lot to learn.
We had a two-day training on Restoratives Practices and how they are used in small groups and to resolve conflict. It touches a bit on the theme of restorative justice, but it is much more than that and is something we hope to put into practice with the kids and families we work with. You can use small groups to touch on themes such as bullying, self-esteem, discipline, parenting etc. It is all about creating an environment where people feel seen, heard and known. I think it is something that could serve us well, but besides tutoring we also hope to help these kids develop socially, mentally and emotionally.
The training we had today touched on the topic of parenting and how we can support the parents. From sharing with them skills and knowledge to also creating space for them to feel supported. Whether it be in a workshop or support group, all the parents we know could benefit from both practical information and emotional support.
We continue to seek ways to help and support the families we work with. Obviously education is important for the kids, but there are so many other needs we encounter as we build relationships and spend time with them. We are constantly learning how to best serve and love all those we encounter.