We were able to attend a social with Petunia for the nurses that she works with. There is a theme which was brown, white and khaki colors. If you didn't dress in the theme your were fined $5. Also if you were late or left early you had to pay $5 and if you couldn't come at all you had to pay $10. The money goes to the host as a donation/gift. There were the standards things great food and lots of dancing.We were there 5 hours before we left for another party we had to stop by at. Here is picture of the tents that people rent for all their events. The houses are small so everything is outside; socials, birthdays, funerals, weddings etc.

We have also spent some more time at the orphanage. I was taught how to play netball by the older girls and we played for over an 1hr. Its great exercise. Its like basketball in that there are hoops you shoot the ball into, but there is no dribbling. I enjoyed it and we have played a couple times since then. I will be preaching at the church service they have there on Sunday. Last Sunday I was spontaneously asked to do something with the toddlers for church. They are mostly 3 and 4 years old and so adorable! We can't take pics while we are there but you would just melt, I promise. I have been continuing to build relationship with some of the older girls in the neighborhood. A few are getting more comfortable and dropping by if they are playing games or to say hello. I have been enjoying getting to know them. The kids here are really creative when it comes to games. Here are some playing jump rope yesterday.

A couple from Scotland are visiting this week who are thinking about joining the team here in South Africa. It has been fun to show them around and share just the small bit we have learned so far about living in the township. Tonight is a fun team time with bowling and all you can eat pizza. I'm sure there will plenty of pictures to come.